Promotion about NSH teleconferences for next year – if not interested, delete 

FYI – the 2014 NSH webinar schedule is now available, and so is signing up.

If this link doesn’t work, go to NSH webpage
Part way down on the left it says 2014 NSH Laboratory Webinar Series 
Registration Now Open
Just click on that.

One each month, usually 4th Wed of month (unless NSH Symposium or a major 
holiday interferes), from 1-2 pm Eastern Time.

Can have as many people attend as you want, and each gets 1 hour CE. Your lab 
also gets a link afterwards, and for those who couldn’t attend (working, 
off-shift, vacation, etc.), they can participate up to 2 years later, and still 
get CE.

$125 for each month, $1350 for all 12 months if you sign up by 1/22/14 (savings 
of $150, or better than buy 11, get 1 free).

IHC, histology, autopsy, safety ergonomics. 

Peggy A. Wenk, HTL(ASCP)SLS
NSH Webinar Coordinator
(No, I don’t get any money for doing this job or advertising it – I’m a 
Histonet mailing list

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