Hi Valerie,

Why would you need to remove the sucrose? I would place the frozen blocks in 
room temperature fixative or buffer with one or two changes, especially if you 
have OCT that needs also to thaw.

Why fixative? You may want to consider adding additional fixation if the tissue 
was minimally fixed in the 4% PFA prior to freezing; the best paraffin 
processing starts with well fixed samples prior to exposure to alcohol, xylene 
and heated paraffin. Inadequate fixation time will result in having your sample 
complete its fixation in the dehydration alcohols. Not necessarily a bad thing 
if all your work is based on samples partially fixed in aldehyde, and partially 
fixed in alcohol. Much harder to standardize that IMHO.

Teri Johnson
Manager, Histology
Genomics Institute for
Novartis Research
San Diego, CA

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