Thank you- good reminder of what the true goals are.  

Joelle Weaver MAOM, HTL (ASCP) QIHC
> From:
> To:;; 
> Subject: RE: [Histonet] RE: competency form- Inspector Perspective.
> Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 01:57:10 +0000
> I recently had the great honor to serve as a CAP inspector in Arizona. The 
> lab we inspected will be accredited.   
> Lest we forget as inspectors or future inspectors, I hope the below 
> perspective illuminates the purpose of the CAP inspection and helps preserve 
> the integrity of the program if adhered to.
> As inspectors, we are trained to be thorough but to  simultaneously use 
> "objective judgment" i.e. " there may be several ways to meet the intent of 
> the question" and that "we must review all pertinent documentation and then 
> determine if the process meets the intent of the requirement".
> Keeping in mind that the purpose of CAP inspection is not punitive but 
> "quality laboratory improvement to fulfill the regulatory purpose of the 
> inspection (CLIA)". Our focus should be, in the interest of time and  
> thoroughness "major compliance issue rather than nitpick". This helps us 
> maintain "professionalism and  preserve the peer-review nature of the 
> program".
> So what is it that constitutes compliance? 
> Per CAP:
> "- One, that the laboratory has defined a policy, a procedure, or a plan "of 
> the three P's" for how they are going to do things in the lab. 
>   - Secondly, actual practices that matches those three P's. 
>   - Finally, documentation to support the fact that practice has indeed 
> matched policies and procedures."
> So what is a deficiency? 
> Per CAP:
> "A deficiency means that the lab did not meet the intent of the checklist 
> item.  It's not the wording; it's not the specifics. It is the intent".  If 
> any of the three above criteria are not yet met, we should cite a deficiency" 
> We are admonished to remember that "there may be many ways to accomplish an 
> objective. The lab may not do things exactly the way that your lab does, but 
> may still be meeting the intent of the requirement(s). Citing a laboratory 
> for "not doing it the way we do it" is a common inspector error."
> Per CAP, partial compliance is the following:  "If there is partial 
> compliance (e.g., some records are inconsistent, one bottle of reagent was 
> not labeled completely, a few temperatures were not recorded, etc.), you must 
> judge whether the degree of non-compliance is likely to have adverse effects 
> on test accuracy, patient care, or worker safety. Also, determine if the lab 
> staff was aware of the inconsistency and if corrective actions were 
> performed. If adverse effects are likely or if there are definite patterns 
> (e.g., missing temperatures only on weekends) without corrective actions" 
> only then we must cite a deficiency.
> Bottom-line, If you feel you were incorrectly cited since you met the intent 
> of the question, you should  appeal to  CAP. It is an inspected lab's right.  
> If a phase 11  deficiency, submit your evidence of compliance and the Lab  
> Accreditation Committee will either overrule or sustain.  I suspect they will 
> overrule.
> Just saying, but based upon just what you described, it sounds like you all 
> met the intent of the question.
> MSgt Ian R Bernard, HT(ASCP), MSHA-UAB
> Anatomic Pathology Lab Manager
> USAF- Active Duty
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Rathborne, 
> Toni
> Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2014 7:04 AM
> To: 'Sheila Haas'; joelle weaver; Amber McKenzie; Houston, Ronald; Histonet
> Subject: RE: [Histonet] RE: competency form
> CAP inspectors may have opinions which differ from our own, and their 
> interpretation of standards may also be different. Have you challenged this 
> deficiency with CAP? 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Sheila Haas
> Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2014 8:52 AM
> To: joelle weaver; Amber McKenzie; Houston, Ronald; Histonet
> Subject: RE: [Histonet] RE: competency form
> What we had here, which did not meet the CAP inspectors requirements 
> apparently, were the procedure (of course); a form with each observation of 
> each task documented along with any corrective action necessary; the 
> correlation of proficiency tests, educational assessments  and performance 
> reviews for technical staff; daily evaluations from the pathologists 
> concerning staining, microtomy and grossing; and educational training 
> documentation. We had no idea with all pieces of this documentation that we 
> were anticipated to have more. The form for DO of each task was not detailed 
> enough (despite listing each task and proficiency or corrective action of 
> each task) according to the inspectors. I was hoping someone could share a 
> form so as to assist us in seeing what holes there are in our form. While 
> this DO form is definitely not our only form, the inspectors specifically 
> commented on this one.
> If anyone can assist, it would be helpful.
> Thank you,
> Sheila Haas
> MicroPath Laboratories, Inc.
> Quality Assurance Coordinator
> From:
> To:;; 
> Subject: RE: [Histonet] RE: competency form
> Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2014 12:26:47 +0000
> Is the question that Ronnie posed yesterday requesting justification of the 
> need and extent of competency documentation for histology, or is it just a 
> form needed? The general checklist pretty much sums up the necessity for 
> doing, and required elements to me- GEN. 55500 and CLIA. Maybe I am not 
> understanding?
> As for a form, I would expect that the specific items on any forms will vary 
> by your personnel and by the testing and processes you perform. 
> What I did to document initial training and competency was a make a summary 
> checklist for each "bench" with tasks and direct observations "DO" for 
> initial training  & documentation of satisfactory performance before patient 
> testing.
> I just put all those checklists together in a summary table for each person. 
> High complexity; such as grossing, IHC, FISH scoring get more attention and 
> documentation, the waived tests, you have more discretion,- but I thought it 
> easier to do everything about the same. I have not been inspected on this 
> document yet ( so can't say if CAP will have issues with it- but will know 
> soon...) but here is basically what I did to meet GEN.55500 or the main 
> parts; 
> Defined how competency is monitored- method and frequency ( just included as 
> part of the competency SOP) Orientation and initial training documentation in 
> a checklist for general lab, safety Training checklist on each technical 
> bench, instrument, major procedure PT records and performance/results
> DO- a practical assessment ( block, slides, stains),  for the assessment of 
> previously analyzed specimens, and a PI feedback checklist for the technical 
> from this audit of issues- how/what to improve Check off in performing QC, 
> calibration, patient ID procedures ( acceptable error rates), examples for 
> file DO of grossing, other performance such as instrument 
> programming/maintenance Written quiz, policies & procedures, troubleshooting( 
> problem solving documentation) Continuing education participation records
> Joelle Weaver MAOM, HTL (ASCP) QIHC
> > From:
> > To:;
> >;
> >
> > Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2014 11:10:18 +0000
> > Subject: RE: [Histonet] RE: competency form
> > CC: 
> > 
> > We were recently dinged by CAP for our competency assessments in all areas. 
> > While that's no longer my immediate responsibility, I would love to be able 
> > to assist the lab manager with some information so we can tweek our 
> > assessments if you all wouldn't mind sharing with me as well.
> > Thanks a bunch.
> > Sheila Haas
> > MicroPath Laboratories, Inc.
> > Quality Assurance Coordinator
> >  
> > > From:
> > > To:;
> > >
> > > Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2014 21:17:44 +0000
> > > CC: 
> > > Subject: [Histonet] RE: competency form
> > > 
> > > Can you pass it on to me as well?  I'd love to compare what I've got to 
> > > what someone else is doing. 
> > > Thanks,
> > > Amber
> > > 
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From:
> > > [] On Behalf Of 
> > > Houston, Ronald
> > > Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2014 2:37 PM
> > > To: Histonet
> > > Subject: [Histonet] competency form
> > > 
> > > Can someone please share the competency form(s) they are using to satisfy 
> > > CAP?
> > > 
> > > I am having problems convincing our QA/Compliance folks of the 
> > > differences between testing in AP compared to the other lab 
> > > disciplines, who do read our test results
> > > 
> > > Thanks
> > > 
> > > Ronnie Houston, MS HT(ASCP)QIHC
> > > Anatomic Pathology Manager
> > > ChildLab, a Division of Nationwide Children's Hospital 
> > >
> > > 
> > > 700 Children's Drive
> > > Columbus, OH 43205
> > > (P) 614-722-5450
> > > (F) 614-722-2899
> > ><mailto:ronald.houston@nationw
> > >>
> > ><>
> > > 
> > > "One person with passion is better than forty people merely interested."
> > > ~ E.M. Forster
> > > 
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> > >
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