Hi all -

Currently our histology lab staff travels to our Interventional Radiology suite 
when a kidney bx is performed.

At the procedure site, the sample is handed directly to the tech, it is 
evaluated for adequacy, divided, and put into the following solutions - 
formalin, Trump's, and Zeus Wash solution.  Upon return to the laboratory, the 
cores in Zeus Wash solution are then frozen for immunofluoresence done on site.

We are looking into a new way of doing things :-) and considering having the 
kidney bx delivered to the laboratory after procurement.  The samples would be 
hand-delivered to the lab immediately (within 5 - 10 minutes) and the samples 
(usually 3-4 cores) would be divided in the histology lab.

Could I get an idea of how many labs have the sample delivered to them vs the 
number that assist at the procedure site?

Also, any thoughts on what the best transport media/method would be?

All thoughts are much appreciated!

Barb Moe

Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center

La Crosse WI


Barb Moe
Histonet mailing list

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