Sanjeet asked about a "Fite control" - I suppose Mycobacterium leprae
infected tissue for the Fite-Faraco modification of the visible-light
acid-fast stain.

It actually is necessary to use Myco. leprae (which of course is
unculturable) rather than Myco. tuberculosis when staining for lepra

I've asked this question several times over the years and never got the
faintest reply, but - the North American armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus)
is easily infected with human leprosy, and in fact is naturally infected in
Louisiana. One lepradillo could I think provide control material for the
entire planet. Has such material ever become available?

Two more questions: Can you perform the fluorescent (auramine O) acid-fast
stain with the Fite modification? And - do you also need a different
control for Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare (MAI)?

Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist
Maryville TN
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