Maybe I am wrong, but I think the usage of plastic forceps for trichrome
stains is nonsense. I only know this from silver stains, but also have never
seen problems personally.

The polyacids have to stay onto the section, when anilinblue is added. There
exists a theory, that PMA/PTA acts like a mordant and builds bridges between
collagen and anilinblue. It is proven, that PMA is not washed out of the
tissue and is bound to the fibers. On the other hand it seems, that the
polyacids prevent the staining of globular proteins by anilinblue (the
longer the polyacids the brighter the red colour).
It also helps to keep the low staining-pH of anilinblue.

Gudrun Lang

From: Justine Lanzon []
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2015 5:36 AM
Subject: Masson's trichrome stain



I am doing a write up on Masson's trichrome stain however I cannot answer
these two questions:

- Why are plastic forceps used instead of metal ones to hold the stained

- Why do we not rinse before Alinine blue?


Can you please help me?


Many Thanks,

Justine Lanzon

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