Here are some thought I have on each of these from the perspective of managing 
a large GI lab:
1.  I have only had one specimen that was lost by the grossers, and it wasn't 
lost.  The cassette went into the bin with the specimen containers for the day. 
 This is where I found the non-viable specimen the following morning, all dried 
up.  We don't lose them to the biotrash because we don't use paper towels at 
all.  We use Lab Wipes which are thicker and it is harder for items to get 
accidentally thrown away.  Another trick we do is to wrap ALL specimens in perm 
papers.  The papers are more porous than regular filter paper, and we have a 
Fuji paper dispenser that works like a tissue box does.  The gross techs love 
them.  And they fold the paper so that the techs only have to pull on two 
corners to open when embedding.
2.  The perm papers completely alleviated not only lost specimens, but also all 
cross contamination from processing, which we saw frequently with esophageal 
3.  You do not want to use micromesh....We did without knowing it was not 
advisable.  All of our small bowel specimens showed  what our pathologist 
called "a blown up effect" because the water stays trapped in the cassette 
because the holes are so small.  Then the water super heats and boils out, 
tearing the epithelium from the other layers, making a clear diagnosis 
4.  We do have this problem, but have found that upon checking the gross, the 
specimen was so small it was not likely to survive processing.  Now, that does 
not include if the tech accidentally opens the cassette too quickly and the 
tissue flips off somewhere.  This can happen with perm paper, but it is much 
less likely.
5.  The microtomy problem is what it is .  Encourage staff to seek help before 
it comes to that.
We have less than .05% of specimens per month that we call "did not survive 
processing".  I always communicate directly with the surgery center manager if 
the specimen started of inadequate, but if the error is ours I call the 
physician directly with the explanation.  We also do an incident report with 
requires investigation on my part as well as a root cause analysis.
Hope this helps...if you are interested in the perm paper solution, head down 
to Sally's Beauty supply and look for Fuji Perfect Paper End Wrappers and the 
Hands Free Dispenser.  You can also find them on Amazon.
Regards,Shelly CokerLab ManagerAustin Gastroenterology
Looking for help in analyzing the entire scope of the process. There is not 
much published data (that I can find) and I am hoping this group can lend some 
Our rate is higher than we would like it to be. There is no consistent size at 
risk although GI and Derm biopsies are the biggest involved group. We have 
broken it down into steps.

1.      Can be lost at grossing- either never loaded into the cassette at all, 
or cassette was discarded. Thus we hold on to our waste and can search for 
misdirected cassettes if need be.

2.      Lost in the processor itself. Most are wrapped. If large enough not to 
be wrapped, we would not expect the processor to eat them, so assume cassette 
lid not properly closed. Frankly the highest number of losses we're seeing is 
no tissue found in cassette by embedders.

3.      I am being told that we can't use micromesh cassettes in our microwave 
processors (Milestone Pathos) and want to know if anyone is.

4.      Tissue not seen at embedding. Again no way to tell when the tissue 
disappeared. We know that tiny tissue can spring out during the opening at 
embedding but I don't know how else to examine or limit this step.

5.      Tissue can be exhausted during microtomy. Rare but noteworthy.
I am hoping people can tell me about their procedures for dealing with 
"specimens that don't survive processing", what safeguards they have in place, 
and to some extent what your own lab percentage  or experience is.
Apologies in advance for the length of the message, but could really use your 

Steven Pinheiro, MBA, MLS(ASCP)DLMCM
Manager Anatomic Pathology and Cytology
Loyola University Medical Center
2160 S First Ave, Bldg 110 Rm 2214
Maywood, IL 60153
708-327-2642 (O)
708-327-2620 (F)<>
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