I slways filtered my air (5um) and my water (0.22um).  Only tap water rinses 
for Hemnatoxylin, Schiff's and other rinses were not rinsed.  All of my MolBio 
and Immuno- stuff was done with filtered (clean?) water at least.

The rule is:  be Monkish at the bench and as messy as you like in your bedroom 
(if you are a male and only until you are married),



Inside your water supply, lurking behind the water fawcet, is a pipe who's 
surface is lined with a BIO-film.
Further horrors await the scientist who fixes and studies the washer in the 
fawcet whose seal is the better for the 'FILM-mmmmmmmmm.'
Evolution provides variation, and every new flower that grows provides a new 
isolated environment for speciation.
My alimentary biome is unique as we are all unique.  Yukky, but true.

Frederick C Monson, PhD
Center for Microanalysis and Imaging, Research and Training (CMIRT)
West Chester University of Pannsylvania
West Chester, PA, 1938
From: Abbott, Tanya <tanyaabb...@catholichealth.net>
Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2015 3:09 PM
To: histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu
Subject: [Histonet] AFB contaminant

Has anyone ever had a problem with a possible contaminant in their AFB hand 
stain? If so, how did you deal with it? Any suggestions?
Ours actually looked like an AFB like organism, which we later determined to be 

Tanya G. Abbott
Manager Technologist
St Joseph Medical Center
(phone) 610-378-2635

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