I have a situation that has occurred and am unsure how to proceed.  One MA 
called to get results for a young patient.  We had no record of a specimen for 
this patient at all.  The doctor was sure it was performed.  With some 
research, we discovered that another patient, middle aged,(who was in the same 
room with the same MA after the young patient) had two tissue pieces in his 
specimen bottle. This was not mentioned in the original path report, and the 
tissue was sent for a second opinion to confirm a malignancy.  Upon 
re-reviewing the slide, the two specimens in the middle aged patient's block 
look different, one malignant, one benign.  Also one showed "young skin" and 
the other sun damaged, more mature skin, according to the dermatologist. 
They are now wanting these tissues split up and a path report issued on the 
young patient who's specimen is missing based on these findings, with his being 
the benign tissue. I feel, while suspicious, I should not do this with out DNA 
testing to confirm.  That being said, to my knowledge no other specimens are 
missing from that day.   Please Help!  

Jennifer Clark, HT 

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