Hello Kelli,

You may remember me as one of your online graduates from the GC histological 
science program. How are you? For some reason I thought your involvement with 
the GC histo program had changed, but seeing your recent post to the histonet 
it appears your still the director of that program?

I hope things are well. You were instrumental in helping me complete that 
program successfully and were also a good instructor. Ive been at the VA 
Manchester NH for 2 years now. I am the lone histotech here since the other 
technician left. Things are going great though we have a critical need for  
another qualified technician.  Please let me know if any of your students 
especially those already holding  a BS would be interested in employment at the 
VA Hospital  in Manchester NH. I could certainly guide them through the 
application process.

Thanks a ton,

Ryan Roy HTL (ASCP)
Histology Lab
Manchester VA
718 Symth Rd
Manchester NH 03104
(603) 624-4366 ex 6640

Disclosure: The content of this email does not reflect the policies, views or 
opinions of the VA.

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