Hi There,

Is anyone using this technique to stain chlamydia in placental samples (working with sheep here)? I was looking for a working technique but it looks like it is not easy to find.

Thanks for your thoughts!


Rene J Buesa via Histonet <histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu> escribió:

Hi Mike:The steps you desrcibe are wrong.After you finish staining your PAP smear, just wash them in the last ethanol → oven dry at 60ºC for 5 minutes or as required if the smear is too thick and when completely dried → coverslip.This final drying has to take place at temperatures above room temp. because you have to be absolutely sure the smear (or stained tissue section)  is absolutely dried before applying the mounting medium → coverslip.The steps you write about 2-propanol and mineral oil are those the tissues have to go through before paraffin infiltration. René

On Tuesday, May 24, 2016 6:36 PM, Mike Toole via Histonet <histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu> wrote:

 René and other Histonetters,

After reading the paper:

Buesa RJ, Peshkov, MV. Histology without xylene. Ann Diagn Pathol. 2009 Aug;13(4):246-56. Epub 2009 Feb 5.

It appears that xylene in the final clearing steps is replaced with isopropanol and mineral oil as follows:

·        5:1        isopropanol to mineral oil            50°C

·        2:1        isopropanol to mineral oil            50°C

·        Undiluted mineral oil                                    50°C

·        Drying oven 5 minutes                                  60°C

·        Coverslip

Do you feel these clearing steps be applied to the pap stain in order to eliminate xylene?  If so, can it be done at room temperature?


Mike Toole, BS, CT(ASCP)CM

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