Hi all,

In our lab we carry out quite a number of IHCs for research purposes. The number of mAbs and pAb stored in the frezeer is getting to the point that, when you need to do and IHC, you actually lose more time diving through the frezeer draws for the right vial than doing the IHC! is not a question than we are running our of freezer room, it is more to the point of having a proper and standarized way to keep the antibodies and than produce a proper registry of what we have and where to find it.

I was wondering, in an attempt to avoid reinventing the wheel, if you could be as kind as to share your tips for storing and organizing the antibodies (aliquots, stock solutions, intermediate dilutions....) so chaos does not take over the lab!

As always, thank you very much for your time and advice!



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