It's endogenous biotin, Tyrone.
Make your own biotin blocking kit or buy  RTU kit.

Also, endog. peroxidases are eliminated by 3% aq H2O2 ( saves methanol) for 
10mins at RT
Also, don't bother with've done all that by processing 
the tissue to Pwax
Also, use 10% Formalin.
That's what I use for my zfish Pwax  IHC

All suggestions:  imho.

Have a look in Histonet image archives for IHC Pwax sections of

Best wishes

Carl Hobbs FIBMS 
Histology and Imaging Manager 
Wolfson CARD 
Guys Campus, London Bridge  
Kings College London 
SE1 1UL 
020 7848 6813    
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