Because I have no experience with this special specimens, I give the
question below to the kind histonet and its professionals.

Gudrun Lang


Von: Amirkavei Mooud [] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. März 2017 13:02
An: Lang Gudrun
Betreff: question about retina IHC
Wichtigkeit: Hoch


Dear Gurdun,


I am a Ph.D student from Kai Kaarniranta’s grou, Finland. I am working with
mouse retina and need to do retina staining to check desired changes in POS.
Now I would like to ask your help. Would it be possible for you to help me
with the protocol of preparation of sample for retina sectioning and all
procedure of its IHC. I don’t know if I can use snap freezing and
cryosectioning or using PFA and normal microtome?


I appreciate very much your kind help J.


Bets regards,



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