From sugh expensive blades can be done more very good sections (at 3 microns) 
from any difficult type tissue.
These investments will pay off very quickly.
Maxim Peshkov

>Вторник,  2 мая 2017, 21:16 +03:00 от "Howery, Jeff L" 
>But, high profile knives are more expensive. This is due to the increased 
>amount of Stainless steel needed to make them. 
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Пешков Максим via Histonet [] 
>Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2017 11:12 AM
>To: Sandra Cheasty
>Subject: Re: [Histonet] Refurbished Leica RM2135
>Sandra, high profile blades was better for me, because they are harder and 
>more durable than low profile of any manufacturer. Also I recommend for you to 
>try Surgipath DB80HS. They must better than 818. I regret that not having 
>bought a holder for a high profile blades.
>Leica makes the blade holders only for one type blades (low or high).
>Microm's blade holder made for both type blades.
>Maxim Pehkov
>Histonet mailing list

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