You can only bill the 88342 once for the initial IHC with interpretation charge 
for the pgp9.5, (assuming it was the first antibody you billed to the patient). 
 The pgp9.5 is the test your pathologist ordered. The linker step in your 
protocol isn't another test ordered, just part of your validated protocol in 
order to make the pgp9.5 work correctly. 

If your pathologist ordered another antibody test on the same specimen part 
other than pgp9.5, then you could apply the 88341 cpt code. For example, 
ordering an s-100p on the same specimen would be an 88341 on the same specimen 

However, if you order another pgp9.5 on the same specimen part, then it would 
be billed as a no charge.

Hope this helps. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 22, 2017, at 3:21 PM, Haley Huggins <> wrote:
> I am running into an issue with billing and which code is correct for
> staining PGP9.5. Is it 88342? Also the billing guy asked me if thr
> secondary goat, anti-mouse secondary antibody could be billed, can it? I
> would appreciate any help I can get as soon as possible! He needs to bill
> out today. Thanks.

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