Hi Histonetters, How are you? I hope you had a great weekend and are looking forward to a fantastic week!! I am presently on searches for some of my best clients in California that are in need of histology professionals.
Can you help? **Most of these positions are RELIA EXCLUSIVES** My clients offer excellent compensation, benefits, in some cases relocation assistance and all of these environments are great to work in. These are permanent full time positions in busy growing labs. Here are my most EXCITING OPPORTUNITIES: Ventura, CA - Run your own brand new lab!! Pomona, CA Run your own brand new lab!! San Diego, CA- CLIA qual to Gross New Lab Irvine, CA - Histotechnician AWESOME PLACE TO WORK! Irvine, CA - Lead Histology Tech Irvine, CA - Histology Lab Manager Modesto, CA Histology Supervisor - Brand New Position!! The help I need is do you know anyone that might be interested in hearing about any of these opportunities? If so could you please forward my e-mail to them? If I place someone you refer, you will earn a referral fee!! If you are interested in any of these positions please call me ASAP at 866-607-3542 or on my cell/text at 407-353-5070 or e-mail me at rel...@earthlink.net Thanks-Pam Right Place, Right Time, Right Move with RELIA! Thank You! Pam M. Barker Pam Barker President/Senior Recruiting Specialist-Histology RELIA Solutions Specialists in Allied Healthcare Recruiting 5703 Red Bug Lake Road #330 Winter Springs, FL 32708-4969 Phone: (407)657-2027 Cell: (407)353-5070 FAX: (407)678-2788 E-mail: rel...@earthlink.net https://www.facebook.com/RELIASolutionsforhistologyprofessionals www.facebook.com/PamBarkerRELIA www.linkedin.com/in/reliasolutions www.twitter.com/pamatrelia _______________________________________________ Histonet mailing list Histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu http://lists.utsouthwestern.edu/mailman/listinfo/histonet