Hello Nancy,

we have done some histology on sponges and tried paraffin and resin embedding. 
Due to the spicules and also biofilms and sand etc. the best results could be 
reached with resin embedding in technovit 7100 or better 9100 or 7200 with 
cutting grinding techniques. Sectioning of 9100 or 7100 is possible, but the 
spicules can cause damages in the sections, so best results can be reached with 
cutting grinding.

There are several trichrome and PAS stainings which give nice results, but we 
have learned that individual testings have to be done, because the sponge 
tissues are very different in their preservation and stainings abilities.

For fixation you should use formaline, but other fixative are also fine, 
depending on what you want to see. Ethanol does not give good results and 
picric acid might cause problems during polymerization.

So I hope this helps you a little bit.

With best regards

> Am 27.04.2018 um 17:08 schrieb Thomas, Nancy via Histonet 
> <histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu>:
> I would like to hear from anyone with experience in working with the 
> pineapple sponge and other similar types.  A future project will include 
> processing, sectioning and staining of the samples in order to identify them 
> by viewing the arrangement of the spicules.  I am wondering if cryo, paraffin 
> or plastic would be the best method?  How much fixation is necessary?  If 
> anyone has working protocols they would share, I would be so thankful.
> Nancy Thomas
> Senior Lab Manager, Histology Core
> Stowers Institute for Medical Research
> 1000 E. 50th Street
> Kansas City, MO  64110
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