Hello all,


returned late last night from Pittsburg and the Intel-International Science and 
Engineering Fair, May 13-18.  The largest most prestigious pre-college STEM 
fair in the world. Took  four high school students from the Spokane region.  
One of our other "Team Washington" students from near Seattle won the second 
place prize for the entire 1,400 project fair from 81 countries and regions.  A 
$50,000 scholarship with a chemical engineering project.

While there, I viewed or walked by every project.  Saw 50-60 with histology 
images/histology projects.  IF, IHC, H&E, Safrinin O, FISH, PAS, decals, 
frozen, TMA's; anything and everything we all know.  On osteoarthritis, breast 
cancer, kidney disease, diabetic pancreas, neuro, lymphoma's and more.

If you are able to help what could be a potential world class student in the 
field of histology/pathology/medical and clinical research, hope you will.

Sorry I was never able to get to the local histology school while my students 
were being judged in Convention Center.  Couldn't seem to ever contact them.

Ray Koelling

Eastern Washington Regional Science and Engineering Fair, Fair Director

Washington State Science and Engineering Fair, Board Member

lecture faculty, University of Washington School of Medicine, Spokane-WWAMI site
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