On Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2018 18:31:48 -0400
From: Mary Ann <yes...@comcast.net>
Subject: [Histonet] Positive PAP
Mary Ann wrote "Help! My pathologist has asked that a positive patient be run 
down with our PAP stain for QC.
Point me to a reference to counter this request."

Hi Mary Ann - First of all, my sympathies.  This is the kind of craziness that 
can give a pathologist a bad name.  Secondly, what does he call a patient 
positive?  Positive for what?  LOL, JK.  In response to your question, here are 
the ONLY 2 requirements for Cytology stain QC, straight from the latest CAP 
list.  See below.  As one can see, nowhere does it require any type of patient 
control, only a documented assessment of the stain quality, on "actual case 
material"  CAPs words, not mine. Good Luck! Terri

**REVISED**       08/21/2017
CYP.03925       Stain Assessment        Phase I
        Cytology stains are assessed at least annually to ensure their proper 
storage and acceptable quality.
NOTE: Cytology stains undergoing a daily technical quality review are exempt 
from an annual assessment.
Most stains used in the cytology laboratory are not subject to outdating, so 
that assignment of expiration dates may have no meaning.  The acceptable 
performance of such stains must be confirmed at least annually by technical 
assessment on actual case material, and as part of the evaluation of 
cytopathology cases. Where applicable, expiration dates assigned by a 
manufacturer must be observed.
Evidence of Compliance:
✓       Written procedure for stain assessment AND
✓       Records of assessment of appropriate quality of each cytology stain in 

CYP.04300       Daily QC        Phase II
Daily QC        Phase II
There are records of daily review of the technical quality of cytologic 
preparations by the pathologist or supervisory-level cytotechnologist.
NOTE:  The technical quality of cytologic preparations must be checked daily 
(on days processing occurs). This includes checking all stains for predicted 
staining characteristics each day of use. This check must include all of the 
types of preparations seen that day such as cytospins, cell blocks, and liquid 
based preparations.
If preparation and staining is performed by a different laboratory, there must 
be a procedure for the laboratory performing the preparation and staining to 
verify the acceptability of the quality of preparations and the acceptability 
of controls (if needed) before transfer.  Records of this verification must be 
readily available to the laboratory performing interpretations.  There should 
also be a mechanism for feedback from the interpreting laboratory to the 
laboratory that prepared the slides of any issues with the preparations.

Terri L. Braud, HT(ASCP)
Anatomic Pathology Supervisor
Holy Redeemer Hospital
1648 Huntingdon Pike
Meadowbrook, PA 19046
ph: 215-938-3689
fax: 215-938-3874
Care, Comfort, and Heal

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