Dear histo experts,Please provide me with your valuable suggestions for the 
problem described below.Objective: Staining rat hearts (fibrosis) with Gomori's 
one step Trichrome Stain (Blue Collagen, Richard-Allen) to demonstrate the 
collagenProcedure: Paraffin sections of 4 micron thickness; adequately fixed in 
10 % NBF,  Bouin’s Fluid treatment at 56°C for 1 hour before staining. Follow 
the procedure exactly recommended by kit insert (please see below)Problem: Non 
specific diffuse bluish discoloration of cardio myocytes in the normal hearts, 
which looked completely odd. The staining of same section with picro sirius red 
came beautiful.Any insights on the potential reasons of this and ways to 
resolve?Thanks a lot in advance for your time and your vision to make a wealth 
of knowledge available in histonet.
Best regards,Abi

Standard Staining Protocol

1. Deparaffinize and hydrate sections to deionized water.

2. Place sections in Bouin’s Fluid at 56°C for 1 hour.

3. Rinse sections in running tap water for 3-5 minutes untilyellow color is 

4. Place sections in Working Weigert’s Iron Hematoxylin Stainfor 10 minutes.

5. Rinse sections in running tap water for 5-10 minutes.

6. Stain sections in Trichrome Stain for 15 minutes.

7. Place sections in 1% Acetic Acid Solution for 1 minute.

8. Rinse sections in deionized water for 30 seconds.

9. Dehydrate sections in 95% alcohol for 1 minute.

10. Dehydrate sections in two changes of anhydrous alcohol for 1minute each.

11. Clear sections in three changes of clearing reagent for 1minute each and 

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