

We undertaking a research project about the technology used in automated PAP
analysis in USA and would like to reach out to several US based histofolks
who would like to share some opinions and expert views with us. We have a
modest budget for an honorarium to compensate people for their time. If you
would like to share your views and experiences please get in touch with me
at your earliest convenience. Key issues we would like to explore:


"Today the US PAP testing market is dominated by BD SurePath and Hologic's
ThinPrep.  We are interested to have some discussions with senior
cytologists to better understand this duopoly situation.  Is there room
still for manual PAP testing in the US market? Is there room for new
entrants? The areas we would like to discuss are:

*         Differences in technology - pros and cons of different systems

*         Full automation including imaging versus semi - automation?
Productivity vs quality

*         Pricing of individual tests 

*         Capital costs and consumables cost trends - leasing/reagent rental
deal? Affordability for small labs?

*         Competition in this duopoly - is there any real competition?
Basis? Positioning?

*         Cost of switching

It would be a 45- 60 min telephone"


Kind regards

Charles Rowlands


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