Good morning histopeeps:

We recently brought on an Ophthalmology Pathologist from MD Anderson and they 
use histogel for orienting their thin eye specimens and need a microwave to 
heat it up.  We do not have a microwave in the lab for their use but I had 
ordered one for them.  I just found out they used the microwave in our lab 
lounge to heat up histonet which was opened and being stored in our gross area 

Do any of you know the CAP regulation against use of laboratory reagents being 
used in a microwave being used for food consumption?  I ended up removing the 
microwave they used and put it in the histology lab.  Our Director wants me to 
write a formal letter to submit to him.

Thank you in advance for your impute!

Akemi Allison, BS,  HT/HTL (ASCP)

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