Hi Michelle,

When I was in my Cytology training, we did an experiment to answer just that question.  We started with a 2 liter jug of plural fluid with nothing added, and we stored in in the fridge.  At first we tested it every day to see if there was any degeneration, then we got tired of that and tested twice a week, then once a week. After 4 months it was still just fine, and we threw it away because we were tired of testing it (and it was the end of the semester!).   It seems that the cells are happy in their natural habitat and refrigeration slowed/prevented any bacterial growth.

So  my advice is:  don't add anything to it, keep it in the fridge, and it will last many months!!


From: Michelle Jamison<m.jami...@elitechgroup.com>
Subject: [Histonet] plural fluid prep
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

Hi All,
I work in a research lab where we are using plural fluid to proof a
method. Recently we have received some, and are unsure how long it will
be ok in the fridge, or if we should add some preservation fluid to it.
Can anyone advise please.

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