Dear Kimberly,

we have two systems here in our lab, both with microscopes from ZEISS. The 
first one is a TissueFaxs-System which is for scanning of maximum 8 Slides and 
special optical requirements (polarization, phase contrast, etc.). This system 
is quite good and flexible and you can use almost all optical parameters of the 
microscope, including fluorescense. However, compared to slide scanners its 
relatively slow. Our system is about 5 or 6 years old, but I know that 
TissueGnostics developed larger and faster systems working with a complete 
microscope and a loading system for 100 or 200 slides. If you have larger 
slides, TissueGnostics also provides slide holder for very larger slides (as 
far as I remember 15 x 24 cm).

Our second system for larger amounts is the ZEISS Axioscan 
(, which is in our 
opinion the best scanning system on the market, since it also works with a 
complete microscope and a very good Software (ZEN). ZEN looks a bit difficult 
at the first sight, but it offers many many features to get very very good 
scanning results. 
For scanning of slides speed is not the most important parameter, but correct 
optical representation. Many scanners are just fast, because they close the 
aperture diaphragm and light-field diaphragm, to generate high contrast, but as 
everybody knows who is familiar with working on a manual microscope, your 
produce virtual (fake) structures.

With the ZEISS Axioscan you can make Z-stacks, which means that the same 
slide/region will be scanned several times at different focus layers, so that 
you can finally go through this stack on the computer. The ZEISS Axioscan 
starts with a focus map, to save focussing time, and its possible to optimize 
this focus map for speed or for quality.
ZEISS also offers a free ZEN-light version, which can be used on every computer 
to open and analyse the scanned slides.

The ZEISS Axioscan is also able to handle larger slides (50 x 76 mm) and it can 
be upgraded for fluorescence and polarisation.

If you like to see some sample, please contact me, I think we can also make a 
contact to ZEISS, if you are interested.

Kind regards


> Am 09.01.2020 um 19:39 schrieb Glover, Kimberly via Histonet 
> <>:
> Hi,
> I am interested in purchasing a slide scanner for my lab so we will have the 
> ability to share slides between sites. Can someone suggest a good scanner, 
> make/model?
> Kimberly Glover
> Product Manager, Histology and Hematology
> Warrington, PA
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