Hi Histonetters, I hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy, and you can take time to enjoy Easter, Passover and this season with your family. It seems that things are changing on an almost daily basis. I have been monitoring social media - personal connections and histology related groups on Facebook and LinkedIN and have been staying in touch with many of my active candidates and customers. I have gotten a lot of questions about what is going on with the career aspect of histology at this time. Here is a summary of what I have observed and experienced so far:
Histotechs supporting non-essential surgeries i.e. Derm and GI private practices: Some are experiencing cuts in hours and/or are using the time to catch up on backlogs and lab maintenance. Many are being furloughed with the expectation of being called back to work once the all clear is given, Start dates for new employees are being postponed until further notice. Traveling Histotechs - Histotechs that are working as contractors nationwide: Most of the travel techs I have heard from have been grounded meaning sent home until further notice. They seem confident that they will be returning to their assignments as they are looking for prn positions for now. Hospital based histotechs: Some are being furloughed Some are having their hours reduced Some are job sharing meaning for example if they have a regular staff of 4 techs they take turns 2 at a time working for a week while the other 2 stay home Some are being used in other areas for example if they have experience in phlebotomy they are moving to that department. I cant really speak to research, academic or pharmaceutical areas as I havent heard much from them. (Hopefully thats because they are busy working on the COVID-19 response.) What I glean from this and bear in mind this only an opinion on my part based on what I have heard anecdotally. It seems that the best case scenario at this point is there was a shortage of histotechs before the pandemic and there will be just as great a need after the pandemic in other words we are just pressing pause. Just Remember Things Will Get Better. This Will End. & We Will Return To Our Normal Lives. In the meantime Is there anything I can do for you? Were you actively looking for a new position before this crisis? Are you someone who is unemployed as opposed to furloughed? Are you feeling lonely or isolated and just need to hear a friendly voice? Call Me, Text Me, Email Me, Or Contact Me through Social Media. We are all in this together Looking forward to the light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks-Pam Right Time, Right Place, Right Move with RELIA! *15 Years!* Celebrating 15 years of service exclusively to the Histology Community! Thank You! Pam M. Barker Pam Barker President/Senior Recruiting Specialist-Histology RELIA Solutions Specialists in Allied Healthcare Recruiting 5703 Red Bug Lake Road #330 Winter Springs, FL 32708-4969 Phone: (407)657-2027 Cell: (407)353-5070 FAX: (407)678-2788 E-mail: rel...@earthlink.net https://www.facebook.com/RELIASolutionsforhistologyprofessionals www.facebook.com/PamBarkerRELIA www.linkedin.com/in/reliasolutions www.twitter.com/pamatrelia check out our latest opportunities at: http://www.jobvertise.com/members/relia1 #jobs4myhistopeeps #ilovemyhistopeeps #histopeeps Follow my hashtags and make your day great and your career greater!! _______________________________________________ Histonet mailing list Histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu http://lists.utsouthwestern.edu/mailman/listinfo/histonet