Hello Merissa,

You can use a diamond band saw, as they are produced by EXAKT. This special 
technique will cut soft tissue quite  smooth without destroying the tissues. So 
you can cut slices with a few centimeter thickness which can be fixed in 
formaline after sectioning.

What kind of embedding and sectioning / staining you are planing? You can embed 
the tissues some special resins which are suitable for larger specimens.

If you need more information about the resin techniques and pathology saws, 
please contact me or Jerrod Roberts from EXAKT USA.

Kind regards

> Am 21.08.2020 um 17:37 schrieb M.O. via Histonet 
> <histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu>:
> Happy Friday, Histonetters!
> I am doing some planning for a new project and wanted to get opinions on
> fixation of large pieces of tissue. We will have human shoulders, where we
> want to preserve the rotator cuff/joint. Cutting the tissue with a saw will
> damage the soft tissue, so we were thinking that post-fixation would be
> best for cutting slabs.
> Does anyone have experience with fixing such large pieces of tissue? We
> typically use zinc buffered formalin for fixation. Would a vacuum work or a
> vacuum sealer?
> Thank you for any input you might have!!!!
> Sincerely,
> Merissa
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