Dear Alida,
That is a good point.
I probably have only done HOECHST on Pwax sections after they have been 
heat-Antigen retrieved ( HIER)
However, H ( or DAPI) works on fixed cell monolayers: they don't get HIER 
Nor do frozen sections ( well, some do) and the HOECHST/DAPI works fine on both
However, perhaps you can just take a Pwax section to water and apply HOECHST 
for 10 mins, wash off, mount in anti fade aq. mountant and have a look down a 
Fluorescence scope?
If you can wait, I will check this next Monday ( put H on a non HIER'd Pwax 
section  and get back to you by Monday later)

Unless, whoever that is doing the fluorescence DAPI/HOECHST nuclear staining is 
actually doing it on Pwax sections that have been HIER-ed?

Best wishes


Carl Hobbs FIBMS
Histology and Imaging Manager
Wolfson CARD
Guys Campus, London Bridge 
Kings College London

020 7848 6810
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