Our policy, and the policy at 2 other institutions that I've worked at, is a 
mirror of what Richard Cartun stated.  We don't release soft tissues to 
anything but a funeral home. 

Terri L. Braud, HT(ASCP)
HNL Laboratories for 
Holy Redeemer Hospital
1648 Huntingdon Pike
Meadowbrook, PA 19046
Ph: 215-938-3689
Fax: 215-938-3874

Today's Topics:

   1. release of body parts (Nancy Schmitt)
   2. Re: release of body parts (Cartun, Richard)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2021 16:33:20 +0000
From: Nancy Schmitt <nancy.schm...@mercyhealth.com>
To: "histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu"
Subject: [Histonet] release of body parts
We are seeing a bit more of patients that are requesting to take their body 
parts with them (uterus, POC, etc); I am talking home  - not the funeral home.
Are you using a release of body parts form to fill out with the patient?
Are you draining off the formalin, or sending in formalin with parafilm around 
the lid?
Thank you for your thoughts,
Nancy Schmitt MLT, HT(ASCP)
Pathology Support Services
Dubuque, IA  52001

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