You might like to look at this 1999 article from Microscopy Today, about 
keeping sections on slides.
John Kiernan
London, Canada.
= = =
From: Shirley A. Powell via Histonet <>
Sent: March 21, 2023 2:56 PM
To: Charles Riley <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: [Histonet] IHC staining of tendons and cartilage

Hi Charles,

Shirley Powell here in humid Georgia.  I ran an IHC reference lab here for many 
years.  I had a problem with using charged slides for a lot of the tissues I 
processed.  I used manual and automation methods.  My tissues were washing off 
a lot.  I changed to an adhesive for the water bath called Sta-On and I think 
Surgipath was the company that made it.  Surgipath was bought out by Leica but 
they still sold it.  Sta-On was the best adhesive I had found and that worked 
for me for many years.  Whenever I do IHC that is what I use, especially bone, 
cartilage, bloody specimens, autopsy tissues, they stay on better.  Some other 
companies may be selling it now, like VWR/Avantor.  Just Google it.


Shirley Powell, HTL(ASCP)
Technical Director Histology Curricular Support Laboratory
Pathology Department
Mercer University School of Medicine
Phone: 478-301-2374

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Riley via Histonet <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 2:31 PM
Subject: [Histonet] IHC staining of tendons and cartilage

Hello all,

I am in a new position and it will potentially require doing a lot of IHC 
testing on cartilage and tendon samples. I have done some practice runs on my 
automated stainer and manually and am running into issues with the tissue 
sections falling off completely or folding over on itself during each process.

If anyone does staining like this routinely and has some pointers/tricks to try 
to get the samples to adhere to the slides better it would be greatly 

I have tried using charged slides from a variety of vendors and get similar 
results across the board.
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