Sections are dried at room-temperature vertically to get rid of the water 
beneath the sections. For automated staining they aren't baked any more. For 
semi-manual staining with HIER in the pressure cooker they were baked at 60°C 
for 30-60 min.

Dry temperatures above 70°C influence the results of IHC. 
Williams JH, Mepham BL, Wright DH (1997) Tissuepreparation for 
immunocytochemistry J Clin Pathol 50:422–428

Gudrun Lang
Kepleruniversitätsklinik Linz, Austria

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Eileen Akemi Allison via Histonet 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 8. August 2024 18:23
An: Histonet
Betreff: [Histonet] Oven Temps and baking times used for IHC's

Good morning Histo Peeps!

I am taking a poll on what various labs are using for temperature and times for 
IHC’s slides which are baked in the oven.  It has been my experience while 
working at Biocare Medical, we would 1st wick excess water off the slides, then 
tap the rack of slides on paper; then subsequently place the rack of slides in 
a 36 degree oven for 30 minutes, then up the temperature to 60-62 degrees for 
an additional time of 30-60 minutes.  Sorry, my brain cells can’t remember 
which length of time in 60 degrees, I left Biocare Medical in 2006.  My ex, 
David Tacha, Ph.D, HT/HTL gave several workshops on this subject 

The UCSF Surgical Pathology lab 1st wicks excess water off, then bakes their 
IHC slides at 62 degrees for 2 hours.  I have consulted w/ some labs who bake 
their IHC slides at 76 degrees for 20 minutes.  It has been my experience that 
higher than 62 degree temps will make the Ab lose their antigenicity.  CK Ab’s 
love a higher temp but most other Ab’s do not.

Any thoughts, information, and papers on this subject would be greatly 
appreciated.  Thank you and have a wonderful upcoming weekend!

Best regards,

Akemi Allison-Tacha BS, HT/HTL (ASCP)
Pathology Laboratory Manager at Golden State Dermatology
370 N Wiget Lane, Suite 250, Walnut Creek. CA 94598
Cell: (408) 335-9994
Email: aalli...@gsdermca.com <mailto:aalli...@gsdermca.com>
Website: www.goldenstatedermatology.com <http://www.goldenstatedermatology.com/>

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