I have made a release candidate 0.4.1-rc0.

We've fixed several critical bugs to hive release 0.4.0. We need hive
release 0.4.1 out asap.

Here are the list of changes:

    HIVE-884. Metastore Server should call System.exit() on error.
    (Zheng Shao via pchakka)

    HIVE-864. Fix map-join memory-leak.
    (Namit Jain via zshao)

    HIVE-878. Update the hash table entry before flushing in Group By
    hash aggregation (Zheng Shao via namit)

    HIVE-882. Create a new directory every time for scratch.
    (Namit Jain via zshao)

    HIVE-890. Fix cli.sh for detecting Hadoop versions. (Paul Huff via zshao)

    HIVE-892. Hive to kill hadoop jobs using POST. (Dhruba Borthakur via zshao)

    HIVE-883. URISyntaxException when partition value contains special chars.
    (Zheng Shao via namit)

Please vote.


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