
Zheng Shao commented on HIVE-972:

We had a group code-review with John and here are the notes.

1. TODO: File a follow-up JIRA for the behavior for underlying table column 
type change.
Currently we do store the column type of the view in the metastore but that's 
not always true - we use the underlying table's column type when the view is 

2. DDL unparse: we use antlr TokenRewriteStream to rewrite the original stream 
for "*" expansion.

3. Error message. Recursively expanded as the comment above mentioned.

4. TODO: We are using BLOB type in jdo. We need to test it out with mysql.

5. TODO: Metadata change: We store "view" definitions in the same metadata 
table that we store "table" definitions.
Shall we add a field "table type" so we know whether it's a table, external 
table, view, or materialized view in the future.
We should clean up the additional useless fields in "view" - the test output 
shows that we are storing some garbage information for views.

6. TODO: Clean up thrift and define the version of thrift that we should use. 
Check with Raghu and Ning.

7. We add extra "select" with internal names like "_col0" etc in the view 

8. TODO: We should add a test for using views with UDTF

9. TODO: Add a test for a large view definition (in terms of the length of the 
view definition).

10. isViews() should assert the other field is null

11. createViewDesc: In DDLTask, there is some code populating derivedSchema 
from originalSchema. Shall we move that logic to compile time, so that we only 
need to pass derivedSchema.

> support views
> -------------
>                 Key: HIVE-972
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-972
>             Project: Hadoop Hive
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: Metastore, Query Processor
>            Reporter: Namit Jain
>            Assignee: John Sichi
>         Attachments: HIVE-972.1.patch, HIVE-972.2.patch
> Hive currently does not support views. 
> It would be a very nice feature to have.

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