
Joydeep Sen Sarma commented on HIVE-1116:

interesting - i am hitting on our internal clusters. 592 seems pretty old.

> alter table rename should rename hdfs location of table as well
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-1116
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-1116
>             Project: Hadoop Hive
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: Joydeep Sen Sarma
> if the location is not an external location - this would be safer.
> the problem right now is that it's tricky to use the drop and rename way of 
> writing new data into a table. consider:
> Initialization block:
> drop table a_tmp
> create table a_tmp like a;
> Loading block:
> load data <newdata> into a_tmp;
> drop table a;
> alter table a_tmp rename to a;
> this looks safe. but it's not. if one runs this multiple times - then data is 
> lost (since 'a' is pointing to 'a_tmp''s location after any iteration. and 
> dropping table 'a' blows away loaded data in the next iteration). 
> if the location is being managed by Hive - then 'rename' should switch 
> location as well.

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