
John Sichi commented on HIVE-535:

Apache wicket has one:


Maybe we can clone the code from there since it looks like efforts to put 
something similar in Apache Commons haven't gone anywhere so far.

> Memory-efficient hash-based Aggregation
> ---------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-535
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-535
>             Project: Hadoop Hive
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>    Affects Versions: 0.4.0
>            Reporter: Zheng Shao
> Currently there are a lot of memory overhead in the hash-based aggregation in 
> GroupByOperator.
> The net result is that GroupByOperator won't be able to store many entries in 
> its HashTable, and flushes frequently, and won't be able to achieve very good 
> partial aggregation result.
> Here are some initial thoughts (some of them are from Joydeep long time ago):
> A1. Serialize the key of the HashTable. This will eliminate the 16-byte 
> per-object overhead of Java in keys (depending on how many objects there are 
> in the key, the saving can be substantial).
> A2. Use more memory-efficient hash tables - java.util.HashMap has about 64 
> bytes of overhead per entry.
> A3. Use primitive array to store aggregation results. Basically, the UDAF 
> should manage the array of aggregation results, so UDAFCount should manage a 
> long[], UDAFAvg should manage a double[] and a long[]. The external code 
> should pass an index to iterate/merge/terminal an aggregation result. This 
> will eliminate the 16-byte per-object overhead of Java.
> More ideas are welcome.

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