
HBase Review Board commented on HIVE-1135:

Message from: "Carl Steinbach" <c...@cloudera.com>

bq.  On 2010-06-14 15:26:25, Carl Steinbach wrote:
bq.  > Looks good overall.
bq.  > 
bq.  > A couple suggestions:
bq.  > * Stash this stuff under docs/ instead of creating another top level 
directory (xdocs/)
bq.  > * Manage the jdom dependency with Ivy.
bq.  > * Limit the initial import to the convents of the Hive Language Manual. 
I think some things should actually stay on the wiki, but the language manual 
is definitely one of those things that we want to have in VCS.

* Running the docs target causes a 'velocity.log' file to appear in the source 
root directory. This should probably be redirected to build/dist/docs. See 
 Configuration Keys and Values

- Carl

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> Move hive language manual and all wiki based documentation to forest
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HIVE-1135
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-1135
>             Project: Hadoop Hive
>          Issue Type: Task
>          Components: Documentation
>    Affects Versions: 0.5.0
>            Reporter: Edward Capriolo
>            Assignee: Edward Capriolo
>             Fix For: 0.6.0
>         Attachments: hive-1335-1.patch.txt, hive-1335-2.patch.txt, 
> jdom-1.1.jar
> Currently the Hive Language Manual and many other critical pieces of 
> documentation are on the Hive wiki. 
> Right now we count on the author of a patch to follow up and add wiki 
> entries. While we do a decent job with this, new features can be missed. Or 
> using running older/newer branches can not locate relevant documentation for 
> their branch. 
> ..example of a perception I do not think we want to give off...
> http://dev.hubspot.com/bid/30170/Who-Loves-the-Magic-Undocumented-Hive-Mapjoin-This-Guy
> We should generate our documentation in the way hadoop & hbase does, inline 
> using forest. I would like to take the lead on this, but we need a lot of 
> consensus on doing this properly. 

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