
Ning Zhang updated HIVE-187:

    Attachment: thrift_64.r790732.tgz

Uploading thrift_64.r790732.tgz the complete 64 bit thrift libs (including 
libfb303.a) & binaries . These libraries are compiled under CentOS 5.2 (kernel 
2.6.20, GCC 4.1.2) 

> ODBC driver
> -----------
>                 Key: HIVE-187
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-187
>             Project: Hadoop Hive
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>          Components: Clients
>    Affects Versions: 0.6.0
>            Reporter: Raghotham Murthy
>            Assignee: Eric Hwang
>             Fix For: 0.4.0
>         Attachments: HIVE-187.1.patch, HIVE-187.2.patch, HIVE-187.3.patch, 
> hive-187.4.patch, thrift_64.r790732.tgz, thrift_home_linux_32.tgz, 
> thrift_home_linux_64.tgz, unixODBC-2.2.14-1.tgz, unixODBC-2.2.14-2.tgz, 
> unixODBC-2.2.14-3.tgz, unixODBC-2.2.14-hive-patched.tar.gz, 
> unixODBC-2.2.14.tgz, unixodbc.patch
> We need to provide the a small number of functions to get basic query
> execution and retrieval of results. This is based on the tutorial provided
> here: http://www.easysoft.com/developer/languages/c/odbc_tutorial.html
> The minimum set of ODBC functions required are:
> SQLAllocHandle - for environment, connection, statement
> SQLSetEnvAttr
> SQLDriverConnect
> SQLExecDirect
> SQLNumResultCols
> SQLFetch
> SQLGetData
> SQLDisconnect
> SQLFreeHandle
> If required the plan would be to do the following:
> 1. generate c++ client stubs for thrift server
> 2. implement the required functions in c++ by calling the c++ client
> 3. make the c++ functions in (2) extern C and then use those in the odbc
> SQL* functions
> 4. provide a .so (in linux) which can be used by the ODBC clients.

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