additional validation for CREATE INDEX --------------------------------------
Key: HIVE-1503 URL: Project: Hadoop Hive Issue Type: Improvement Components: Indexing Affects Versions: 0.7.0 Reporter: John Sichi Assignee: He Yongqiang Fix For: 0.7.0 Cases that should fail: * handler has usesIndexTable=false, and user supplies table name/format * handler has usesIndexTable=true, and user supplies table format that is incompatible with handler (does compact handler have any restrictions?) * user tries to create index on external table (?) * user tries to create index on index table * user tries to create index on column of unsupported datatype (e.g. array/map/struct probably does not make sense) -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.