Game of cops and robbers misfires as child shot: report

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 3 (AFP) - A game of cops and robbers for six children turned bloody when a seven-year-old girl shot her four-year-old brother in the chest with their father's rifle, a report said Sunday.

The terrified children, including the boy's twin brother, watched in horror as Ooi Keng Leong was hit by a shot from a gun used by his father for wild boar hunting, The Sun newspaper said.

The bullet went right through Ooi's chest and came out through his back in the Saturday midday accident. He immediately underwent emergency surgery and was now in stable condition, the daily said.

Police have seized a .22 Browning rifle and a box of ammunition belonging to Ooi's father, an orchard owner who was issued a licence to keep animals away, it added.

Under Malaysian laws, a licence from police must be obtained before people can own a gun and the permit must be renewed annually.

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