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Anwar backers, diplomats say report does not end poisoning

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 5 (AFP) - A cautiously worded, seven-page
medical report concluding that Malaysia's jailed ex-deputy
premier Anwar Ibrahim is not suffering from acute arsenic
poisoning is a setback but not a bombshell for the
opposition, diplomats believe.
A leader of the National Justice Party (Keadilan) led by
Anwar's wife Wan Azizah welcomed the report presented to
court as his sodomy trial resumed Tuesday and dismissed
suggestions the affair would harm the party's prospects.

"We are happy that Anwar is not suffering from chronic or
acute arsenic poisoning," said Keadilan deputy president
Chandra Muzaffar. "Thank God and thank the doctors who are
really very competent."

But Chandra said the party still wanted to find out why the
arsenic level was so high in a sample of Anwar's urine taken
on August 18 and tested in Australia under an assumed name.

That reported finding led to the sensational adjournment of
Anwar's trial on September 10 for hospital tests after
lawyers said the sample showed high levels of arsenic,
indicating a possible murder attempt.

Chandra said the party did not dispute the latest medical
report, which showed no evidence of acute poisoning in
samples of hair, nails and urine taken in September and
tested locally and overseas.

But the report had not tried to explain the August test, he
said, repeating calls for the government to set up an
independent inquiry and pointing out doctors found Anwar was
clearly not well.

The report said Anwar -- who claims to be the victim of a
top-level political conspiracy -- had not been found to
suffer from any disease that could account for his symptoms,
which included substantial loss of weight, hair loss,
numbness, dehydration and bodily discomfort.

"He also has no clinical signs of acute or chronic arsenic
poisoning," it added, recommending periodic medical checks.

Even before Tuesday's report, the government was on the
offensive against claims of a poisoning conspiracy.

Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, who set the whole
stranger-than-fiction saga in motion when he sacked his heir
apparent 13 months ago, has termed the claim "really

"We don't murder people for their political beliefs," he has

Ministers have termed the allegations a ploy to gain
sympathy ahead of general elections due next June but widely
expected sooner.

The poisoning allegations brought some 10,000 people onto
the streets September 19 to show support for Anwar, whose
rapid rise was mirrored by his equally dramatic fall.

The allegations -- which followed a beating Anwar earlier
received in custody from the then national police chief --
were seen as giving the opposition new momentum.

A western diplomat said he believed Tuesday's report "will
damage his credibility somewhat with the public but I don't
think it discredited them (the opposition) totally.

"It remains to be seen how serious the damage will be.

"Obviously there is something wrong with Anwar. He has lost
a lot of weight and hair. He must have some health

On whether the report would affect the opposition's chances
in the impending election, the diplomat said: "I don't
really think so. Peoples' faith in the government and
mainstream press is fairly low."

Another diplomat said the report would "definitely be a
setback for the opposition."

"They (the government) were already attacking him (Anwar)
even before the report was out. They will turn the whole
thing to their favour. I don't think this is the end of it
(the poisoning claims)."

Christopher Fernando, one of Anwar's lawyers, told AFP: "He
has in fact been poisoned but it's not acute or chronic.
That's what the report says." Anwar's poisoning claim,
whatever its merits, is just the latest chapter in an
extraordinary saga which has split the country's Muslim
Malay community, Mahathir's political bedrock.

Apart from Anwar's black eye, for which the former police
chief will face trial in March, there have been graphic
descriptions inside and outside court of Anwar's alleged
homosexuality, the production of a semen-stained mattress in
his previous trial and the denial by a prosecution witness
she is a "small-time hooker."

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