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Adakah kenyataan ini sudah menghina orang2 Islam.
Lihatlah bagaimana umno mengajar konco2nya dalam BN. Mula
umno tak mau negara Islam. Sekarang dng lantang Ling Sick
pula. Tidakkah kenyataan ini sudah menyentuh hak2 beragama
dalam perlembagaan dan menghina ISLAM?

Kepada org2 bukan Islam: Tuntutan menegakkan negara Islam
yakni mendaulatkan Islam serta menjalankan Hukum2 Allah di
dalam negara itu adalah ajaran Islam. Ini bukan ajaran PAS.
PAS hanya satu wadah (platform) di negara kita untuk
menjadikan negara Islam satu kenyataan. Menegakkan negara
Islam adalah wajib bagi semua umat Islam tak kira dia bangsa
apa sekali pun, asalkan dia ISLAM. Kalau MCA melihat umno
tidak mahu kepada negara Islam, MCA tidak boleh mengatakan
bahawa menegakkan negara Islam itu hanya tuntutan PAS.

Oleh itu berhati2lah apabila mengeluarkan kenyataan yg
menyentuh agama lain. Selama ini orang2 Islam tidak pernah
menghina agama2 lain yg dianuti di negara kita. Janganlah
pula kerana melihat orang2 Islam berlembut, Ling Sick dengan
angkuhnya menghina tuntutan orang2 Islam untuk menegakkan
negara Islam.

Beginilah jadinya kalau orang Islam Umno tak reti
memerintah. Masa 42 tahun bukan digunakan untuk menerangkan
tentang kebaikan Islam, tetapi dihina dan dicemuh. Orang
lain pun ikut. Bila marah, depa kata Umno Islam pun kata itu


Reject 'Islamic state' call, Ling tells Chinese

The proposal, as propagated by opposition Parti Islam, will
turn the clock
back and hinder the country's progress, says MCA president

KUALA LUMPUR -- In the interest of peace and stability,
Chinese Malaysians
should reject any move towards creating an Islamic state in
the country,
said the Malaysian Chinese Association.

The Chinese daily Nanyang Siang Pau yesterday quoted MCA
president Datuk
Seri Dr Ling Liong Sik as saying the creation of an Islamic
state, as
propagated by the opposition Parti Islam (PAS), would have
an impact on the

Citing as an example, he said that PAS' policy towards women
would "turn
the clock back" in the country.

He referred to remarks in recent months by Kelantan Mentri
Besar Datuk Nik
Aziz Nik Mat who said that women should stay at home, that
the state
government would only employ "ugly women" in the state civil
service and
that no women candidate would be fielded by PAS.

"Datuk Nik Aziz thinks that beautiful women need not work
because they can
always find rich husbands. It means that all working women
in the state are
ugly," he said.

He added that if women were to remain as housewives, then
the country's
progress would be hindered.

He suggested that if remarks by the Mentri Besar reflected
the policy of
the state government, it could mean that they would also
become government
policies if PAS succeeded in creating an Islamic state in

"The opposition party's policies are an insult to women," he
said at the
inauguration ceremony of Johor MCA's women executive
committee on Monday.

Dr Ling, who is Transport Minister, stressed that women
played an important
role in the country's development, and the fact that MCA
attracted many
female party members was proof of their capabilities.

Hence, he added, the Mentri Besar's words were aimed at
"turning back the

"If the Chinese people support the opposition party, it
implies that they
also back him as prime minister and this is not acceptable
to the Chinese
community," said the MCA leader.

"Stability and unity are very important, and we hope that
the country will
progress and prosper, hence, the Chinese community of
Malaysia must not
accept such a policy," he said.

Dr Ling, whose party is a senior member of the ruling
National Front, has
been campaigning actively against PAS which has joined a
loose alliance
with its rival, the Democratic Action Party, and two other

PAS has also been reported to have plans to field Chinese
against MCA incumbents in the coming election.

One of the possible candidates to be fielded is a Chinese
Muslim who sits
on the Kota Baru municipal council.

He is expected to challenge an MCA state assemblyman in the

Meanwhile, speaking to reporters after meeting an Italian
minister, Dr Ling
said that the Internal Security Act (ISA) would be abolished
in future.

But he added that now was not the time to abolish the

Nanyang Siang Pau said that his remarks were in response to
the Chinese
guilds' demand that the ISA be abolished, as stated in their
election wish

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