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Despair about wild policy swings
Inconsistency makes investing impossible
by Meera Tharmaratnam
This article was published by the Singapore Business Times on 13 Oct 1999

HONG KONG - Foreign brokers and analysts virtually threw their hands up in 
despair yesterday at the latest policy pronouncement by Malaysian Prime 
Minister Mahathir Mohamad about his country’s bank merger process.
Brokers said it was unacceptable for the government to turn around and keep 
on reversing public policy. Constant policy flip-flops made it hard for them 
to advise their clients on stocks and harder still for them to interest 
clients in investing in Malaysia ahead of the country’s reinstatement in the 
benchmark MSCI index next year.
"We’ve been saying first it was going to be six, now it’s going to be more 
but we’re not sure," said a UK-based broker. "Now Mahathir has changed tack 
again. It’s a problem. What we tell our clients is academic. Clients aren’t 
reacting. Trading in Malaysia is dead in the water."
Brokers and analysts were reacting to the Malaysian premier’s remarks 
yesterday that the bank merger schedule was now flexible. Malaysia’s race to 
create its super banks was not just about the Quek Leng Chans and Rashid 
Hussains, brokers said.
Many investors, small and large, accepted the government’s list of winners 
and losers at face value, and invested accordingly.  Changing directions 
does not only rob these investors of thousands of ringgit, but denies 
long-term investors a stable investment platform, they said.
"My clients bought into RHB Capital. Why? It had a low P/E, it had a good 
management team," said a broker.
"Suddenly, it’s decided they’re not an anchor bank. The stock’s price 
collapses, my client takes huge losses. If selling right at the bottom isn’t 
enough, then we have London where the prime minister comes out saying six is 
an arbitrary number.
"The stock surges. Can my client sue? It just reinforces that whatever you 
do, you’re at the whim of the Malaysian government."
Brokers and analysts said the current mess meant the only sure bets were 
Malayan Banking, Commerce Asset Holding and Public Bank. Every other banking 
stock could be considered a punt, and that hardly fits most blue-chip fund 
managers’ portfolio requirements.
That’s not even considering the merits of the controversial merger plan, as 
it originally stood. As several regional analysts said, it made no sense why 
Multi-Purpose Bank was taking over a banking group many times its size, or 
why the Chinese community ended up with only one bank.
The fact that share prices of RHB Capital and AMMB fell to levels reflecting 
their break-up values underscored the market’s belief that dramatic transfer 
pricing would entirely favour the winners.
Changing the rules halfway so the merger process reflects a fairer 
representation of interests doesn’t necessarily make things better. It 
doesn’t build goodwill with investors if they feel they are continually 
being short-changed, brokers said.
"I had a client from UK on the phone the other day. His remark was ‘This is 
typical Malaysian government policy. It’s as clear as mud’," said a broker.
Other brokers remarked that given the vagaries of politics, Malaysia will 
always trade at a discount to other markets in the region.
Fund managers will always think twice about investing in Malaysia if they 
can get comparable returns in another Asian market, partly because it takes 
so much effort to keep up with all the political shenanigans.

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