Email yang saya terima dari kawan baik saya di PAKISTAN

"May this letter reach you in best of your health and Iman"

Well ....some thing abt Pakistan.
What actually happened is, Army just took over Democratic or Civilian
U can call it a COUP.

The situations which were prevailing in the country, it was very obvious
that some thing will happened very quickly.  Every thing was bad or even
worse the selected Govt did nothing for the country. They were doing
many things for the ppl BUT..... ONLY IN PAPERS.

They ruled abt 3 years and I didn't seen any thing for the betterment
for the ppl.
I live in the city but.... I didn't seen any thing, I wonder abt the
other small villages ..

In the country bribery was very common, No merit system. Prime Minister
used to do things with his own choice and his fellow man (OTHER
MINISTERS OF THE GOVT) were following the same.

Even though we won the war but coz of his bad planning we have to take
our feets back.

The country, who used to create his own resource doesn't done any thing
for the self sufficiency.  Just to run the country and to fulfil their
own LAVISH desires they borrowed a lot of money from WB, IMF and other
financials institutions. Now the condition is that .. that we don't have
any money to run the country and we have to pay BILLIONS of $ to the
lending agencies.

PM, who was selected with a large majority, just betrayed the ppl
One thing that he done extremely wrong is that , he tried destroy the
other Govt Institutions
Like Judiciary. Its an independent institution but he put his own man in
the top ranking positions with out caring the merits so that no one can
take any decision .

The Laws were changed to rule the country for much longer time. The
powers of president were reduced so that he wont entirely demolished his
Govt coz of doing corruption and any thing else.

When he came to power he said he will try to recover all the money which
is taken or held ILLEGALLY by the previous Govt BUT he failed to do so.
You know what most of the ppl in the National Assembly is defaulter to
banks . They have tp pay Billions of money to the banks but he failed to
take any money from them.

U THE REASONS FOR THAT COUP) But I will tell u one last and Big reason
for that.

Last thing which he did is try to SPLIT the army, so that no one can
remove him from the govt. coz in Judiciary his ppl were working, he
already took the power from the president and Opposition don't carry any
power to remove him

What he did he tried to appoint his own army chief so that he will be
safe from the army too.
As the current army chief was visiting in other country he just removed
him and oppoint a new one.
THAT WAS A BIG MISTAKE coz soon after that the army REACTED  and they
not only arrested him but the new army chief too.

I am very happy as well as the ppl of Pakistan. You know what no body
even protested for that change NOT A SINGLE ONE this shows that every
one was angry with the Govt.

This is not the end of our problems, Coz UNFORTUNATELY we don't have any
one who Govern or rule  the country honestly and trust fully. We have
tried many Govts but all of them failed to do any thing for the ppl and
for the country:(((that is why we r still underdeveloped country :((

NOW the problem is, who will rule the country ???
If Army stays on then ... The International Community wont like them,
coz Pak is already ATOMIC POWER and no one like them. The financial
situation is very bad, if army stays there then that don't have enough
money to rules the country. If they have to rule then they need help
from the other countries and no one is going to help Army Govt. USA and
other countries already warned that if Army stays there then they r not
going to help Pak.:(((((

If Army invites any one else to rule the country then ... Army will be
in danger coz many many of the Army officials will be hanged coz of
The Ex PM can go to court and can easily retained his powers too coz his
ppl r their in Judiciary.
The International Community will give loan to Civilian Govt not to Army

Army is thinking what to do now. They r talking with civil ppl and as
well as leaders
And Believe me the Army Chief GENEREAL PERVAIZ MUSHRRAF is in great
pressure and tention by now..............

Till now no one knows what is the fate of Pak and who is going to rule
My Blessings are; who ever will come HE should work for the ppl not for
his own Interests ( AMIN).

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