assalamualaikum warahmatullah .

dear friends ...

does anyone here know better about wealth distribution after death and please kindly explain it and help this lady ... so that she will know a little bit knowledge regarding the distribution of wealth according to islam law and ways.


Hamba Allah

I am a law student from the university of Helsinki.
I am writing a thesis on comparing the inheritance in Pakistan and Finland.
I have faced a few dilemmas.

I read from the Quran (4:12): If the diseaded person doesn´t have parents
or children, but he´s got one sister and one brother, both get 1/6 of the
property of the diseased. If there are more, each sister or brother get
their share of 1/3 so that the shares altogether are 1/3 of the property.
(excuse me the free translation, I only have a Quran in Finnish available)
Where does the rest 2/3 go? Please tell me.

Also I have read that usually according to Islamic law a person can not
write a will for his or her heirs: the people who will inherit him. But in
Quran 2:180 it says that everyone should write a will for the parents
relatives. I don´t understand this.

I would be most grateful for any answers you could give me.

Susanna Viljakainen

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