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---------------------- Forwarded by razman/westport on 27/10/99 16:13

"Aqidah Islamic Information Service" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 26/10/99

Please respond to "Aqidah Islamic Information Service" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To:   "Aqidah Islamic Information Service" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:    (bcc: razman/westport)

Subject:  Christians to Use Food Weapon to Win Converts

Aqidah Islamic Information Service

Assalamu aleikum.

Something for us to think about as Ramadan approaches:

>From Mission Network News at

Christian relief organizations are stepping forward to help the victims
war in Liberia. In a rare move, the World Food Program substantially cut
emergency aid to two-million refugees in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea.
Feeding Starving Children's Richard Proudfit will be traveling to Liberia
to see how they can help. "With the civil war over they're starting to
filter back. Homes are destroyed. No food. So, we're off to begin to see
how we can set up and begin a feeding program with the churches and with
various organizations that are already set up." Proudfit says they're not
just interested in their physical well-being, but also their spiritual
wellness. "Right now their bellies hurt so bad they can't hear the Gospel
being presented to them. So if we can unhurt their bellies we'd like the
church then to set up Sunday School and classes. We'd even like to take
the Jesus Film over there. While they're watching that we would give them
a feast."

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