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 KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 26 (Bernama) -- Datuk Seri Megat Junid Megat Ayob had
admitted that
his wife Ziela Jalil was involved in a conspiracy to topple Datuk Seri
Anwar Ibrahim, the High
Court heard today.

 Anwar said the Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs made the
admission when
the two of them discussed about the alleged conspiracy.

 "Datuk Seri Megat stressed that he was not involved in the conspiracy
at all and that it was his
wife Ziela who was involved," said Anwar.

 The 52-year-old former deputy premier was replying to his counsel
Christopher Fernando on
the 65th day of his sodomy trial.

 He is being jointly tried with his adopted brother, Sukma, 38, on a
charge of sodomising his
former family driver, Azizan Abu Bakar, 39, at Sukma's apartment in
Tivoli Villa, Bangsar, here
at 7.45pm on an unspecified night between January and March 1993.

 Sukma, a businessman, faces another charge of abetting Anwar to
sodomise Azizan at the
same place and time.

 Anwar said he and Megat Junid had a quarrel after the admission
 and the minister gave him Zeila's telephone number to enable him to
confirm the matter.

 "But according to Datuk Seri Megat Junid, the real spoiler was Ummi
Hafilda (Ali) and he
confirmed this in a letter he wrote to me," he said.

 Anwar had informed the court earlier about the letter dated Sept 10,
1977 but the court
refused to admit it as it was a copy.

 Anwar said the original was in one of six boxes containing documents.

 (It had been reported that the boxes are being kept abroad.)

 Anwar said he did not have any problems with Megat Junid and believed
it was the minister
who had problems with him based on a report he had sent to Prime
Minister Datuk Seri Dr
Mahathir Mohamad.

 He said Megat Junid was then the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs and a
close confidant of Dr

 Ummi Hafilda is the writer of a letter to Dr Mahathir accusing Anwar of
sexual misconduct.

 Anwar was dismissed from the Cabinet on Sept 2 last year and expelled
from Umno the
following day.

 Anwar said he had discussed with Megat Junid about a corruption charge
against Minister of
Internation Trade and Industry Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz as it involved
the allocation of shares to
Megat Junid's son.

 He said Megat Junid was unhappy over the actions he planned to take
with regard to the

 The minister then resorted to a dangerous action which he  mentioned in
a letter to Dr
Mahathir with a copy sent to Anwar, said the former deputy premier.

 "I was shocked when I got a letter from Datuk Seri Megat Junid to the
Prime Minister with a
copy to me, which described a conspiracy that was being carried out by
his lawyer with the
attorney-general that also involved the judiciary,"

 Justice Datuk Arifin Jaka, however, did not allow the letter dated Sept
21, 1994 to be admitted
on the ground that it was  irrelevant, although Fernando said the letter
was important to
prove conspiracy.

 The judge also did not allow Anwar to read out the letter in court.

 Attorney-General Tan Sri Mohtar Abdullah, who is leading the
prosecution team, objected to
the letter being admitted saying it  had no relevance to the case.

 He said counsel could not use a document containing accusations
against someone involving
the attorney-general as it was done  before.

 Anwar said he met Dr Mahathir to tell him that Megat Junid's  action to
conspire with the
attorney-general to reduce the  charges against Rafidah and influence
the judge was a
serious  wrongdoing that would tarnish the image and integrity of the
Chambers and the judiciary.

 Anwar said Dr Mahathir, however, did not show any interest in the

 He said he also made certain people angry when he brought up  the issue
at the Asian Law
Minister Conference and when replying  to a Malaysian student's question
while in London.

 Anwar then told the judge that he could not continue with his
testimony as he had a

 Arifin had earlier told Anwar to inform the court if he was unwell.

 The judge said he was informed that Anwar would undergo a  medical
examination tomorrow

 Hearing continues tomorrow. --BERNAMA

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