-----Original Message-----
From: Zuraidah Bt A Mutalib [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, November 01, 1999 3:44 PM
Subject: FW: a thousand when five!

wallahu a'lam

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 10/28/99 01:19:58 PM
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Subject: [ex-mrsm-kuantan] FW: a thousand when five!

-----Original Message-----
Subject: FW: a thousand when five!

Subject: a thousand when five!

Assalamualaikum muslims friends,

Remember about the miracle boy who claimed can speak  several languages and
can recite Quran.....  read the actual story about the boy.....
pengajarannya....  we cannot simply trust  anything/news  that  came from
unrealiable sources with bad intention.....  this might be another form of
Dajal....  we always have to watch out.....

I think it would be wise to examine this report a bit closer. First of all,
it is not unusual in various parts of Africa and Asia to see people who are
unlettered  yet  who  can  speak several languages quite fluently. Thus the
report that a child can do so should not be seen as strange. Similarly, the
report states that Muammar Qadhaafi supports him. Aside from fighting Islam
in  his  nation,  Qadhaafi is also known to be a regluar supporter of known
heretics  like  Farrakhan  and  Rashad  Khalifa.  Therefore  eybrows should
automatically be raised when Qadhaffi's name enters the picture.

Nevertheless,  this  past summer a brother who attends our tafseer class in
Virginia,  went to see this "miracle boy" in Philadelphia. The brother told
us  he  is  convinced  that  the  entire thing is an elaborate scam done by
either the Christians or the Sufis with the intent to hoodwink the Muslims.
The brother said the boy came to a packed Philadelphia auditorium where the
majority  of  attendees  were  African. Advertisment claimed the boy was "a
Hafidh  of  both  the  Quran  and the Injeel". This claim alone raised some
people's  suspicions.  A  few weeks prior to the boy's arrival, a videotape
was  circulated  among  the Muslims in Philadelphia which shows the boy and
makes  several  claims.  However, the Quran reciter on the videotape is NOT
the  boy. In fact, the video never shows the boy reciting anything from the

On the day the boy appeared, he was accompanied by four bodyguards, none of
whom  would allow anyone to question him or do anything except allow people
to  kiss  his  hand,  touch  him  or  ask  him to pray for them. One of the
bodyguards  was  the  boy's  father,  who contrary to the news report, is a
Christian.  Before  the  boy's entrance, the bodyguards would pass around a
collection basket for people to donate money. People were never informed as
to  what  the  money they were donating was for or how it would be used. It
was  apparently assumed the money was for the boy himself, thus many people
donated large sums of money into the basket. When the boy entered, he would
then  start with khutbatul hajjah, yet he never led nor attended any of the
congregational prayers and only came to the local masjid after everyone had
finished salat.

Later  when  the boy's father was not present, some attendees asked the boy
to  recite  some  suras. At first, the boy acted as if he didn't understand
what was being asked. The bodyguards appeared irritated and said it was not
proper for anyone to order the boy to recite. People replied that they were
not  ordering anything, but were simply asking IF he could recite SOMETHING
so  that  people could hear him. A translator then asked him to recite some
suras  such  as Ar-Rahman, Al-Mulk, etc. and the boy replied, "I don't know
that".  They  then  asked  him  to  recite suratul Ala, to which he replied
again,  "I  don't know that". They then asked him to recite suratul Ihklas,
he  said, "I don't know that".  It then became obvious to everyone that the
boy  knew  nothing  of  the  Quran, and was simply fooling everyone with an
elaborate and well-concieved con. When the father returned and noticed what
was  going  on,  he  quickly  hustled the boy and his bodyguards out of the
auditorium. Many attendees felt betrayed, especially when it was discovered
that  the  boy  and  his  "family"  left  town  soon  thereafter  and their
whereabouts were unknown.

If  this  is  a  scam,  obviously  the  boy is not to blame, but rather the
dajjaleen  who  are  parading  him before the Muslims as a pseudo-prophetic
persona  with  the  express intent of fleecing masses of Muslims from their
money.  A  number  of  sufi  groups have been known to be making inroads in
Africa  and  have  used  customary  shirk practices to gather followers. If
Muslims  are  being  duped  by these minor dajjaleen, then how much more so
when  the  real  Dajjal  appears? And may Allah protect us from his fitnah,

wa salam

Abu Umar

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