Sumpah Keramat "KEADILAN" at Kesang,Jasin,Melaka.

I've just got home from KEADILAN'S SUMPAH KERAMAT by the Youth Wing at Kesang, a village in Jasin, Melaka.The gathering was just simply gigantic,by extrapolation the crowd would be :

i. approximately 2500 cars X 4 passebgers = 10,000
ii.     "        3000m/bikes X 2          =  6,000
iii.    "         500 who walk to the venue=   500
The crowd is at least 16000 - 16500 strong.

Then there is the joke of the day....police personnel armed with batons and see through shields came in numbers never before seen by folks in this village to keep the peace. THE GATHERING ITSELF WAS A PEACEFUL ONE...their presence was an intimidating irritant. The venue to begin with is located in the middle of nowhere where there are more monkeys than people but the event of the evening transformed it into a packed "sattelite village" lit by all kinds of lights ranging from torchlights to generator powered flourescent lights.

To cap the comedy of evening by the police,they brought in traffic cops to issue summonses for a variety of offences but was obviously sheer INTIMIDATION!! I too got a ticket for "NOMBOR KERETA TIDAK DIPAMERKAN DENGAN JELAS" because my car number plate was splattered with mud and the tail to a number nine on my plate was broken.Sure I picked up the ticket cos I know no amount of apologies would pacify the cop!! The only creatures who frequent this road at night are the armidillos and wild boars on any other nights but tonight there were pigs too....albeit in uniforms.Never mind the episode but the crowd was simply a sight to bask in. If ever there was an indication that History is about to be written in Melaka then tonight was the night.

TAKBIR         TAKBIR          TAKBIR

Jebat moden
12.33 am Sunday 31st October.

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