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Test Your Career Aptitude (50 questions to be printed
locally and answered at your own pace)

      1) It is more important to describe your
responsibilities than your accomplishments in the

      True ___ False ___

      2) You tell accomplishments in the resume and
interview by using: 

      A. Numbers B.DollarsC. PercentagesD. Time Frames
E. All of the above

      3) You should try to make personal contact with
a prospective employer before a recruiter has a chance
to present your

      True ___ False __

      4) You should share active job leads with
recruiters to increase their desire to help you. 

      True ___ False ___

      5) Avoid giving salary history in responding to
a classified ad unless you think it will take you out
of consideration. 

      True ___ False ___

      6) Only 15% - 20% of jobs come from recruiters
and classifed ads. True ___ False ___

      7) Networking contacts will hopefully lead you
to a job, but you will usually do better by asking for
help, not a job. 

      True ___ False ___

      8) You should always have a group of targeted
companies that have highest priority in your search. 

      True ___ False ___

      9) Talking with people who are doing a job
similar to the one you are considering is often called
informational network

      True ___ False ___

      10) You don't need to follow up with people who
give you additional networking leads to let them know
the results. 

      True ___ False ___

      11) The quality of work you do on your search is
not indicative of the quality of work you will do on
the job. Potential
      employers will not know the difference. 

      True ___ False ___

      12) You must obtain agreement from former
employers on what they will say in a reference check. 

      True ___ False ___

      13) Have an answering machine at home with a
humorous message on it recorded by a spouse or friend.

      True ___ False ___

      14) Select the following statement that is
correct concerning effective telephone technique in a
career search:

      A. Get a direct dial number and other
information from the switchboard operator.

      B. Learn the name of the secretary of the person
you want to reach.

      C. The best times to call: early and late when
the secretary is not there.

      D. Do not leave a message that will turn over
control of making the contact to the other party. 

      E. All of the above.

      15) The person who gets the job offer may not be
the best qualified candidate, but rather the person
who had the most
      successful interviews by looking and acting the

      True ___ False ___

      16) The interviewer's first impressions in a job
interview are not likely to earn you the job, but a
negative first impression
      can eliminate you from consideration. 

      True ___ False ___

      17) Which item is not one of the three C's from
the employer's perspective?

      A. Competence and willingness to work.

      B. Chemistry or rapport.

      C. Cooperation (Will the person cooperate?)

      D. Cost (What are the salary requirements of
this candidate?)

      18) The smile is the most important area of body
language out of the six most commonly considered. 

      True ___ False ___

      19) Don't turn down a job before it is offered
by your attitude or lack of enthusiasm during the job

      True ___ False ___

      20) Which is the most important interviewer in
the interview process:

      A. The skilled interviewer, usually a Human
Resources professional or a search consultant.

      B. The not so skilled interviewer, the manager
who doesn't hire very often.

      C. The non-interviewers; secretaries and others
who may offer opinions even though they don't formally
interview you.

      D. All of the above.

      21) Try to use the interviewer's name in
addressing him or her, but don't worry about
pronouncing it correctly.

      True ___ False ___

      22) Knowledge is power. Learn the job
requirements early in the interview so you can relate
your skills and
      accomplishments to them.

      True ___ False

      23) Answers over one minute risk the loss of the
attention of the interviewer.

      True ___ False ___

      24) Please select the one (1) false statement
listed below:

      A. Take off your raincoat before you are

      B. Exhibit good posture, standing or seated.

      C. No smoking or chewing gum.

      D. Don't interrupt the interviewer.

      E. Accept a coke or coffee in the first
interview to appear sociable.

      F. Avoid distracting mannerisms: scratching,
covering your mouth, tapping your foot.

      G. Don't wear sunglasses.

      H. Don't read material on their desk or pick up
objects from the desk.

      I. Avoid looking at your watch as if you need to
be somewhere else.

      25) For male candidates only. Select the two (2)
false statements regarding attire listed below:

      A. Dark suit, blue or gray, with or without

      B. White shirt with or without button-down

      C. Polished black shoes that tie if possible.

      D. Modest jewelry: wedding band (if married).

      E. A pleasant smelling aftershave.

      F. Carry a briefcase.

      26) For female candidates only. Select the two
(2) false statements regarding attire listed below:

      A. Dark suit: blue, gray, black, brown.

      B. White, cream or pastel blouse that is best
color for your complexion.

      C. Never wear a pantsuit or slacks.

      D. Pearl or gold/silver chain.

      E. Carry a briefcase and a purse.

      F. Hemline covers knee when seated.

      G. Shoe color should match the color of the

      H. Black or offwhite hose are acceptable.

      27) Please select the one true statement about
interviews at meals listed below:

      A. Alcohol is okay at lunch and dinner if it
isn't stonger than wine.

      B. Avoid items that are difficult to eat, i.e.
barbecue, chef salads, spaghetti.

      C. Let the host sit facing away from the crowd
if possible.

      D. Order dessert to give more time for talking.

      E. The main purpose of a mealtime interview is
to check out your table manners.

      28) Usually the most important liability
question that can be asked of you in a job interview
is "Why did you leave your
      last employer?"

      True ___ False ___

      29) People usually take 2 to 3 minutes to read
your resume the first time.

      True ___ False ___

      30) Each bullet in a resume is preferably no
longer than 2 to 2.5 typed lines in length.

      True ___ False ___

      31) Letting them know you want the job won't
undermine your salary negotiating once you get an

      True ___ False ___

      32) Setting goals and priorities is not likely
to help your search.

      True ___ False ___

      33) Your negotiating position is greatest at the
time they decide they want you on their team. You are
likely to negotiate a
      greater increase than you will get at your first
job review.

      True ___ False ___

      34) If pressed, you'll have to reveal salary
information. Most employers won't accept your ducking
the question

      True ___ False ___

      35) If asked the salary you want for a position
you are interviewing for, you should give them a firm,
single amount.

      True ___ False ___

      36) Bring up salary anytime during the interview
so the decision maker will know your position on this
subject and won't
      waste your time if salary level for a position
is too low.

      True ___ False ___

      37) Don't accept an offer on the spot. If you
want the job, suggest to the interviewer that you
would like to think it over
      and get back with them in a day or two.

      True ___ False ___

      38) Get the offer in writing. If tou can't do
that, put your acceptance in writing and include the
major understandings.

      True ___ False ___

      39) An initial answer to an interview question
should be no longer than one minute to a minute and
one half. You can
      follow up with details if asked. 

      True ___ False ___

      40) The correct way to answer an illegal
question during an interview is to inform the job
interviewer that the question is
      illegal and should not be a part of the

      True ___ False ___

      41) Which of the following questions is not a
correct way to find out the real need the interviewer
has in filling the job?

      A. What are you looking for in the ideal

      B. What is the biggest challenge the
company/department is facing?

      C. Why is the position open?

      42) What is not being said is sometimes more
important than what is being said.

      True ___ False ___

      43) Which is not one of the items to be included
in the telephone conversation to make an appointment
for a network

      A. State mutual friend's name.

      B. Compliment person you are calling.

      C. State the career objective you have by saying
your two-minute drill.

      D. Ask for a 15 to 20 minute appointment.

      44) Which of the following is a common excuse
given to you as a reason not to see you for a
networking interview?

      A. "I don't know people in your field".

      B. "I will think of some names and call you

      C. "Please send your resume to me".

      D. All of the above.

      45) When you are requested to mail a resume, you
should offer to bring the resume to the person because
you will be in
      his/her area in the next few days.

      True ___ False ___

      46) An unlikely time to avoid secretaries
screening your calls is:

      A. Before 8:30 a.m.

      B. 10:00 a.m.

      C. From 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

      D. After 5:00 p.m.

      47) The best times to go to lunch for an
interview or network meeting in a restaurant are
before 11:30 a.m. or after 1:00

      True ___ False ___

      48) The best method to develop a list of your
network contacts is to take one organization or group
of people at a time
      and list your potential contacts in that

      True ___ False ___

      49) The two items sought in a networking
interview are names of other people and where job
opportunities are.

      True ___ False ___

      50) The average number of names you should
obtain from a network interview is three.

      True ___ False ___

For answers to these questions, please fax or e-mail
your request to: Karen Preslock, Director of
      Information Services, The Mulling Group,
Atlanta, Georgia

      Fax: (770)395-3133/e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

      Please include your name and voice number, fax
number or e-mail information. Your address is

      We hope this assessment has been educational!

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