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Khairul Anuar writes:

>Ini lagu nak peringat kita orang melayu jangan dok
>gaduh sama sendiri...bukan lagu suruh kita pi bunuh
>orang.  So for me it is a good reminder to us to know
>where we stand...we cannot simply put the blame on
>other people if we, ourselves cannot unite and keep on
>pointing fingers to each other.

I remember that song, I was taken to one Biro Tatanegara brain-
washing camp. They tell Malays to be Malays and give undivided
love for UMNO and Mahathir. Unfortunately I am not a malay..
I am a chinese Muslim. The song is deriding Islam. I think Islam
has not taught Muslims to fight for a racial and nationalistic
cause. Allah does not look at how strong a zeal you have for 
your own race, but how Islam is upheld as the highest cause.
Allah will wipe out a race if Al-Quran, Hadith and ulamas are
not taken seriously. Read what the Qur'an says,

..if it were His will, he could destroy you, and in your place
appoint whom He will as yout succesors..[Al-An'am(6):133]

It is a sad thing today, in Malaysia...many Muslims themselves
are not heeding the teachings of the Qur'an. Our Holy Prophet
has so warned,

..O my Lord! Truly my people took this Qur'an for just foolish

Come on guys, fight back..get rid of those oppressors...you all
reasons to do it. Allah has granted us a cause to it,

Allah love not that evil should be noised abroad in public speech,
except when INJUSTICE has been done...[Al-Nisa'(4):148]

Go listen to ceramah(s) by Barisan Alternatif and PAS...think

Abu Hasan Chan.

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